The DPNM Rural Caucus speaks for communities located outside the major metropolitan areas of New Mexico. Our supporters include small town business folks, farmers, ranchers, teachers, first responders, mechanics, engineers, and artists, as well as retirees, college students, and families with kids still living at home.


Our Executive Committee includes dedicated and resourceful individuals all working together to find more creative and effective ways to make a real difference in the lives of our neighbors who live and work outside urban areas.

DPNM Rural Caucus Executive Committee   2023-2025

Chair:  Damian Chavez

Vice Chair: Vacant

Treasurer: Amy Noriega

Secretary: Torres Leyba, Former Mayor of Meadow Lake, NM

SCC Members: Amy Noriega, Torres Leyba

CD-1 At-Large Member: Harold "Spike" Murphree

CD-2 At-Large Member: Mona Trempe

CD-3 At-Large Member: Isaac Dakota Casados

Chair of Rules and By-Laws Committee: Vacant

Chair of Platform and Messaging Committee: Vacant

Chair of Voter Registration and Education: Torres Leyba

Chair of Membership: Carol Young

Chair of Finance: Russell Wilson

The caucus has a brochure that we distribute at events:

To learn more about our caucus, check out our SlideShow below:

DPNM Rural Caucus - Who we are

The DPNM Rural Caucus is Affiliated with:


President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats are making unprecedented investments in rural America to help us build homegrown prosperity together. The Democratic Party is committed to strengthening our party, working with rural Americans to deliver results and to build power from the ground up. While Democrats are working to ensure our communities thrive and to build a better America, together, we will also hold Republican lawmakers accountable for standing in the way of progress.

Historic investments are being made through the American Rescue Plan and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. These once-in-a-generation federal investments from both the administration and the Democrats in Congress show that building homegrown prosperity together is a priority.

Overview of Some Investments Focused On Rural America